Am 06. September kam es bei friedlichen Protesten vor dem moldawischen Parlament zu Verhaftungen von Mitgliedern der neuen linken Partei „Roter Block“. Die Menschen hatten gegen die Erhöhung von Strom- und Gaspreisen für Privathaushalte und gegen die Korruption in der Politik demonstriert.
Unter den Verhafteten ist auch der ehemalige stellvertretende Vorsitzende der Europäischen LINKEN (EL), der, als ehemaliger Parlamentsabgeordneter der Kommunistischen Partei Moldawiens, bis 2014 Mitglied der Parlamentarischen Versammlung des Europarates war. Grigorij Petrenco setzt sich seit Jahren gegen Korruption in Moldawien ein, zuletzt gegen die kriminellen Machenschaften des Oligarchen Plahotnjuk, der mehrere Millionen staatlicher Gelder veruntreute.
Die Anklage gegen Petrenko lautet gemäß § 285 des moldawischen STGB Aufruf und Beteiligung an Massenunruhen. Wir fordern die moldawische Justiz auf, Petrenko und die in diesem Zusammenhang verhafteten Menschen, unverzüglich freizulassen.
Nachfolgend dokumentieren wir einen Brief von Lilia Petrenko, der Frau von Grigorij
Sunday, September 6, as a result of peaceful protest peacefully, organized in front of the General Prosecutor's office in the capital of the Republic of Moldova, former member of the Parliament, honorary member of the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Grigore Petrenco has been detained by the police, along with the other 7 participants. Among them former political prisoners of the ruling regime in Moldova, Mikhail Amerberg, Paul Grigorchuk, and political activist Alexander Roșco.
The protesters were detained after clashed provoked by police who intervened violently suppressing peaceful protesters after Petrenco stated about their intention to protest peacefully non-stop, with the installation of tents in in front of "of the office the Attorney General who is totally controlled by oligarch Plahotniuc".
According to the lawyer Ana Ursachi, detainees stated they had been violated physically and mentally during the arrest and transportation to the police station of Rascani sector. The injuries were documented at the Centre of Forensic Medicine.
The lawyer described this case as clearly "political".
Later, on Monday evening, September 7, several groups of masked, armed individuals searched the apartment of Grigory Petrenko, as well as the parents of his wife, and the headquarters of the political party that he leads. Another search in the absence of a lawyer, was held the same evening in the house of another detainee, Michael Amerberg.
Tuesday, September 8, the court of the Riscani district of Chisinau is examining the petition of Attoney General office regarding the extension of the arrest of peaceful protesters from the group Petrenko detained on September 6 for 30 days, in front of the building of the Attorney General office in Chisinau.
We call on all international institutions respond and take a position towards this blatant case of oppression of freedom of speech and of political repression and speak in support of political prisoners.