Andrej Hunko vor einer Friedensfahne

Andrej Hunko

Die Parlamentarische Versammlung des Europarats in Straßburg diskutierte am Montag, 27.1.25 über die Anerkennung der georgischen Delegation. Für die UEL-Fraktion warnte Andrej Hunko (MdB) vor einem Glaubwürdigkeitsverlust für den Europarat, da eine viermalige Auszählung aller Stimmen den Wahlsieg des Georgischen Traums solide bestätigt hat. Hier die Rede vor der Parlamentarischen Versammlung auf Englisch(auch verfügbar auf Deutsch als Video): 

Thank you very much, Mister President.

A lot has indeed happened in the last three months. We have had many controversial elections.

We have had elections in Georgia, and I will say something about that in a moment.

We also had an election in Romania, a presidential election that was cancelled by the Constitutional Court. As the Presidential Committee, we decided in December that there would be a statement from the Venice Commission, which is now also available online. I think this is very important, because the question is always - when something like this happens, when an election is annulled, or even when credentials are called into question - the question is always on what basis this happens. And the basis, at least in Romania, was very unclear in my view.

We had elections in Moldova, and I think there were problems there, too. We talk less about that today.

But the big issue we have here is how we deal with the elections in Georgia. I was also an election observer there, and I have observed many elections in Georgia. I have to say, the difference was not that great compared to the previous elections. There were irregularities there, too. We also named them, I also led an election observation mission, as Mr Iulian BULAI is doing now.

The difference is, or let me put it this way. We must not give the impression that, because we don't like the Georgian Dream politically, we then say we don't recognise this election, we question the credentials. In my opinion, that would damage the credibility of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. The ballot papers have been counted four times. All four counts resulted in 54%. So, I would ask you to be a little more careful.

I also agree with what Mr Zsolt NÉMETH said when it comes to such fundamental issues as the recognition of credentials. Otherwise, I'm afraid we'll end up in a dead end and have other countries. In the end we will destroy this Organisation.

Thank you very much,


Andrej Hunko vor einer Friedensfahne

Andrej Hunko